Tuesday 31 March 2015

The Cholesterol Connection...........!

There is a definite connection between high levels of Cholesterol in our bodies and the risk of developing Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). A better understanding of these two factors are critical in avoiding the complications that can occur.

Let us look at these two entities separately.

What is Cholesterol?
It is a soft substance, some what similar to fat and is found in the blood and all the cells of the body. In fact, Cholesterol is needed by the body to insulate nerves and produce hormones. Under normal conditions, the liver produces all the required Cholesterol needed for the body to function optimally. However, this natural balance gets thrown out of gear when Cholesterol enters the body from outside sources, such as the food that is eaten. Animal-based food such as milk, eggs and meat, leads to unhealthy spikes in the levels of Cholesterol and become precursors to Coronary Heart Disease. 

Types of Cholesterol:-
There are two types of Cholesterol. Low Density Lipoprotein or LDL and High Density Lipoprotein or HDL.      

  • LDL:- This type of Cholesterol is often regarded as the "bad" Cholesterol. It is produced naturally by the body but can also be inherited genetically in abnormal levels. This situation can  be further aggravated by eating foods that are high in fat content and cholesterol itself.
  •  HDL:- This is the "good" Cholesterol. It has been documented that, optimal levels of this type of cholesterol actually counters the adverse effects of LDL and helps in protecting the onset of complications.
  •  Triglycerides:- This is basically a type of fat that is made by the body. But an inactive lifestyle, a high carbohydrate diet and obesity along with other predisposing factors can lead to a spike in the optimal levels of this fat type. This results in high  levels of LDL and low levels of HDL.   
Complications of Cholesterol
When there is excess of Cholesterol in the blood, over a period of time, it slowly starts to coat the walls of arteries and narrows it down and at a point, totally stops the passage of blood through the arteries (the minute blood vessels that carry oxygen rich blood to the heart and the brain). Besides this condition, the accumulation of Cholesterol on the walls of the arteries start to harden and eventually a small piece breaks off, called a plaque, which travels in the blood stream to block the flow of oxygen rich blood to some other portion of an important organ.   

What is a Heart Attack?
This is a condition which occurs when oxygen rich blood to a portion of the heart muscle is blocked. The resulting sensation is experiencing chest pains, even at rest. This condition is further aggravated when there is complete blockage to the supply of oxygen rich blood to a portion of the heart muscle by the plaque formed by excessive Cholesterol in the blood. The consequence is a heart attack 

The relation between high Cholesterol levels and Heart Attack takes on a more drastic turn in women. As I had mentioned in my earlier posts that, although women have more of Leptin, the fat-regulating hormone as compared to men, but due to the resistance to Leptin, getting rid of the excess fat becomes that much more difficult for women.

This brings us to the question whether high Cholesterol levels and excessive weight could trigger a heart attack in women? The answer is a resounding YES! This is especially true for women in the post-menopause stage. It has been documented that high levels of oestrogen before the onset of menopause, counters the adverse effects of Cholesterol thereby keeping a check on plaque build up. But with the onset of menopause and a subsequent drop in the levels of oestrogen, the risk of heart attack increases. So what does one do?

The best bet would be to take up a weight management program, that not only provides a definite way to lose the excess weight but also to start a healthy diet that is aimed at controlling the excessive intake of Cholesterol. This approach would help in getting back an attractive body minus the fat and also ensure that complications such as heart attacks do not come in the way of aging gracefully!

Monday 23 March 2015

Understanding Your "FAT REGULATOR" - LEPTIN.....!

In my last post, I had given you the link , by clicking on which, you could watch a FREE video on losing at least 10 pounds and keep it off for good within a span of just 3 short months! And I am pretty certain that you all have gone through it.

Now in that FREE video, there is mention of a hormone called Leptin. This hormone has been proved and documented to be responsible for a person gaining or losing weight.

Let us try and understand what this hormone is all about, so that you will be better equipped to try out the weight loss program outlined in the FREE video.

So, what is Leptin? First of all, it is a hormone, which means that, it is produced and released in another part of our body, but travels to a totally different part of our body to make things work or happen! Leptin is produced in the white adipose tissue or fat tissue that is stored in our body. Once this hormone is released into our blood stream, it travels to the part of our brain called the hypothalamus (the area of the brain which controls when and how much we eat!) where it exerts its action. This action of Leptin is threefold - 
  • In the first case scenario, it tells or signals to the brain that the 'fat reserves' are adequate and the body can go about it's regular activities in a normal manner.
  • In the second case scenario, when the 'fat reserves' are high, it signals the brain to speed up our metabolism so that body can expend or burn the excess 'fat' and bring it down to normal levels.
  • In the third case scenario, when the 'fat reserves' are low, or depleted, the hormone tells the brain that it is time to take in more fuel (food) so that the depleted 'fat reserves' are restored and the body can continue with it's normal functioning. Because 'fat' is the fuel that drives our bodies!
Leptin is therefore, the 'fat regulatory' hormone of our bodies. It is often referred to as 'satiety hormone' or 'starvation hormone'. Although, 'fat regulation' is it's main function, Leptin is also linked to issues of proper thyroid functioning, stress management, immunity, reproduction health, mental capabilities and cardiovascular health. 

From the above, we can safely say that, people who are over-weight or obese, have high levels of Leptin which is produced from their excessive stored 'fat'! And given the knowledge about how Leptin functions, these people shouldn't be eating at all! Their brains should detect the presence of more than adequate energy stored and lessen the impulse to eat. But does it actually happen this way? Certainly not, or else weight gain and obesity would not have been a universal problem.  

So what goes wrong? The problem has been found to be the break-down in communication between Leptin and the brain. The signals sent out by the hormone is not 'picked-up' or 'seen' by the brain, although there are plenty of the hormone floating around in our blood stream! This condition is called Leptin Resistance and is now believed to be the main biological abnormality in weight gain and obesity.

When the brain does not get timely Leptin signals, it mistakenly thinks that our body is starving, when in reality there is more than enough energy stored by way of 'fat'! It then goes into damage control mode by - 
  • By making us eat more so that we do not starve.
  • Expend less energy so that our bodies can conserve energy by becoming lazier and burning less calories, even at rest.   
This change in physiological behaviour triggered by the brain, is not the cause of weight gain, but it is the result of Leptin resistance, which is basically a hormonal defect.
This problem is more acute in women. By default of nature, you were created to store more fat, which is vital for you as you bring new life into the world. And as you have understood by now, the more 'fat' you have stored, the more the Leptin levels there is in your blood stream to signal to the brain that all is well and that there is no need to take in more fuel. But because of the resistance to Leptin, your brain perceives a lack of energy in your body and to compensate for this condition, it goes into the aforementioned damage control mode.

The end result? Well, you guessed it. Despite your best efforts, you find it extremely difficult to get rid of those extra pounds. 

But I am confident now that you have a clear understanding of Leptin, its functioning and communication with the hypothalamus in the brain, you will get a better grasp of what needs to be done in order to lose that weight and keep it of for good. It will help you look at this weight loss program , which I had mentioned earlier, from a totally new perspective! It will help you understand and adapt to a system designed to primarily get rid off your excess fat but also to maintain a slim, trim and healthy body!




Wednesday 18 March 2015

It's here - the Revolutionary method to Women's Weight Loss...........!

Well, it's time I shared with you the revolutionary weight loss program for women that's making waves in the diet and weight loss industry!

But before I do that, I want to be absolutely honest and up-front with you regarding this fantastic weight loss program.
  • Firstly, you need to understand that, this program is a step by step system that has been developed by understanding and keeping the physiology and metabolism of women in perspective. And, as with any system, you will need to follow what is required to the letter 'T'. There are no short cuts. You need to be disciplined, if you are serious enough in losing those extra pounds and keeping them off for good!
  • Secondly, this weight loss program is designed universally, i.e. general in nature. So, the results will definitely vary from woman to woman. But the basis on which this program has been developed remains the same. It addresses the issue of resistance in women to burn the excess 'fat' by a specialized enzyme which is present in all women but remains quite inactive. So once you start this program, just concentrate on what you have achieved in terms of weight loss rather than compare yourself to someone else whose physiological make-up is quite different from yours. No two individuals are alike. It's YOU that YOU should be bothered about and not your friend or neighbor!
  • Thirdly, as you watch the FREE video, don't for a moment be misled by the simplicity of the presentation. It packs more punch than what meets the eye! Don't you think that it could have been presented in a more complex and scientific manner? Specially since it's a subject which deals with physiology and metabolism of the human body? But would that have served the purpose of making you understand the fundamentals of this weight loss program in a simple and easy to follow method? Well, that's the beauty of this program - the simplicity of it all!
So here goes. Just click on the link below to watch the FREE video and decide for yourself where you want to see yourself 3 months after you start this revolutionary weight loss program.

Whatever you decide after watching the FREE video from the above link, remember, it's all in your hands. It's really as simple as that. Whether you want to continue to look and feel the way you do today or do you want to make a complete make-over with your physical self, only you have the answer! But just remember this, besides giving you an opportunity to add cosmetic value to yourself, this weight loss program, by virtue of removing the excess fat from your body, also ensures that you continue to live and enjoy a healthy life!

The choice is YOURS!

11 Reasons why we put on Weight.....!

Understanding a particular problem is the first step to managing or even eliminating the problem altogether!

This same logic can be applied to weight gain and its management. We’ll look at this from three different perspectives.

1) Predisposing factors: - These are factors that put you at a higher degree of susceptibility to gaining weight. 

  • Hereditary – This is basically your genetic signature. In other words what you have inherited, genetically, from your parents. Research has it that you have a forty percent predisposition to weight gain if either of your parents is obese. And should both your parents be overweight, then, the probability shoots up to eighty percent of you following suit! 
  • Systemic Imbalance – More specifically, it is your endocrine disorders that make you more prone to gain weight. Especially if you have an under-active thyroid or Crushing syndrome. These are medical conditions that need to be tackled by specialists.
  • Sedentary Lifestyle – Being inactive could be your nemesis in putting on those extra pounds. Inactivity results in less energy being burnt and as we all know, this energy comes from the fat that our body stores. So less energy being spent equals to more fat accumulation!
  • Eating Habits – What you eat, when you eat, how much you eat and not having adequate knowledge about a proper balanced diet could lead you to gain weight.
  • Medication – There are certain drugs, for example, anti-depressants, cortisone and female hormones, which have been documented to make a person gain weight. Coupled with this group, are again certain drugs that can stop you from losing weight even if you wanted to.  

2) Other Stimuli: - It has been documented that, besides certain predisposing factors as mentioned above, there are a host of other “TRIGGERS” that prompts your body to store that extra amount of ‘fat’. This ultimately leads to gaining those undesirable extra ponds.

  • Bio Rhythms – Being a woman, you need to understand that your body undergoes a lot of physiological as well as physical changes. From the hormonal changes that occur with the onset of puberty and adolescence, to pregnancy and child birth, and then onto menopause and after; all of these stages contribute to you gaining weight. 

  • Lifestyle Changes – Have you ever considered the facts that, a simple shift in your lifestyle can contribute to weight gain? Think about child birth or even the sad demise of a loved one. How about being laid-off or a job change? Then there is retirement. All of these changes that occur in our lives have the potential to make us put on weight. The degree may vary between individuals, but the bottom line remains the same, there will be weight gain. This especially holds true for women.

  • Smoking – We all know the benefits of kicking this life-sucking habit, but then let us consider what happens when we stop smoking. So let’s say you have quit smoking, now what is going to happen is that you will first of all, regain your appetite and start eating more; but at the same time you will burn less calories compared to when you were smoking, resulting in the accumulation of ‘fat’ in your body. Next the physiological craving for nicotine is replaced by reaching out for sweets and unhealthy snacks to satisfy that craving, which is again a catalyst to weight gain.
  • Quitting Exercise – Let’s say you are a fitness buff, but then for reasons best known to you, one fine day you decide to just stop putting your body through the rigors of physical routines. You decide to take it easy and enjoy life! Now what will happen to your body is that, you will first start to lose muscle mass, your metabolism will slow down and you will burn less calories. Well, the result of this sudden shift from an active to a sedentary lifestyle is guaranteed to play havoc with your body in terms of weight gain!

  • Work Stress – Having to manage both your home and put in long strenuous hours at work will take its toll on your body. You will feel exhausted and high-strung. You take refuge in high calorie food which gives you the feeling of well-being. So what really happens here is that, to get a short term benefit, we tend to ignore the long term complications that can arise from this quick-fix. I take it by now you will have realized what a high calorie intake can do to weight gain!

3)The Trap: - The reason I say this is because in the quest to lose weight, you take on a strict, self-imposed, diet restriction in the hope of shedding those extra pounds and continue with it for some time. But when you don’t see the desired results, you go back to where you started. Then after a period of time, guilt overtakes you and you resolve with renewed determination to really really stick with a diet this time, till you see some worthwhile results. But guess what? Well, you know the answer to that! You fall into a trap. 

Now, all the while you were see-sawing between dieting and binging, your body was developing resistance to the restriction you imposed on it and at the same time becoming more adept at storing fat during your binging sprees! So the end result of it all? You end up putting on more weight than what you were before you started your cycle of diet – binge – guilt – diet! Is it worth it? 

Understanding why we put on weight is the first stepping stone to getting rid of the excess ‘fat’. Well if you are predisposed to hereditary factors or have some systemic imbalance in your body, then the best recourse would be seeking expert help to address the underlying cause. Even then, these conditions can be managed with proper weight loss programs. But when you look at the other parameters that are a cause of gaining weight, it’s all in your hands. All you need to do is choose the right program.

I will be revealing a FREE video of a revolutionary weight loss program in my next post. This method is not only simple to follow, economical but it is guaranteed to lose at least10 pounds within just 3 months!

Till then keep well and stay fit!  

Monday 16 March 2015


Although these two terms can be used interchangeably, but there a thin line of difference between the two.

Let's try and look at them more closely.

We all have fat in our bodies. It is a basic requirement for our hormonal, reproductive and immune systems to function optimally. It is also a source of energy to carry out numerous activities in our day to day lives. This is all good as long as the fat content of our bodies are within limits and does not interfere with our movements, flexibility or become a source of embarrassment to our bodies! 

Now, we all have heard of the term 'Body Mass Index' or BMI. This is a score that is arrived at by dividing our weight in kilograms by the square of our height in metres or in units it would be - kg/msq. The optimal BMI is for a person is 25. Let's look at an example for a better understanding. Suppose a person weighs 80 kgs and is 6 feet tall (1.83 mts.), so this person's BMI would be - 80/1.83x1.83 that is 80/3.35 which equals to 23.88. This is an optimal BMI for this person.

But what happens when our BMI crosses the magical 25 score? Well, any score above and between 25 and 30 is considered overweight or pre-obese. And this is certainly not a range where we would want our BMI to be! It is like standing on thin ice. A little nudge here, a little push there and you could just cross the threshold to being obese.

Let's face it, if your BMI is between 25 and 30, you are putting on weight. There is no question about it. And you will start to feel the difference as those layers of fat start to accumulate on those areas of your body which you try so so very hard to keep slim and trim. You will feel a marked difference in your movements, which will at first become a little labored but become more tedious as you continue to put on those extra kilos. Your flexibility will decrease, as the accumulated fat will restrict the free movements of your body. And ultimately those extra kilos will start showing on your overall physical appearance.

As I had mentioned in my previous post that, as a woman, you have more fat burning capacity compared to men, but by some quirk of nature, this mechanism backfires and you are left with those extra kilos which are so hard to get rid of.

So you dive headlong into a diet program, join a gym or maybe even take the recourse of dietary supplements. But are you certain these weight loss methods will give you long term, lasting results? I mean this is what you will be looking for in a weight loss program, won't you? To get back the body you once had?

What if I told you of a weight loss program that will help you to lose at least 10 pounds within just 3 months? And the remarkable part is that, the extra pounds that you lose will have gone for good! This program is simple, effective and economical and it really WORKS!

I would love to share the FREE video with you right here, but I feel you need to understand a little bit more about weight management and the various complications that can be avoided by maintaining an optimal BMI.

So keeping reading my posts and I assure very soon I will reveal to you the revolutionary method that will help you to get back the body you once had and keep it that way for good!

Thursday 12 March 2015

Women's Weight Loss - the SECRET Revealed......Introduction!

Weight gain for that matter can be attributed to many factors. These can range from your genetic make-up, eating habits, lifestyle changes, metabolic disorders and even psychological factors. It can be a daunting task to put a finger on the actual cause of putting on weight. But the bottom line remains, that there is an undesirable amount of fat that starts to accumulate whether or not you understand the underlying causative factors. 

So what do you do? You talk to your husband if you are married, maybe your friends or your doctor or even your fitness instructor and maybe still join a gym all in the quest to lose those extra pounds! Well that is absolutely fine, but in the bargain what you have unknowingly done, is fallen into the vicious cycle of - Diet - Restriction - Deprivation - Exercise - Craving - Give-in - Guilt - Start Diet Again!  And this cycle continues till such time you get fed-up with the whole routine and stop everything. This is all because you do not see the results that you hoped would appear with this approach. But unfortunately, the present day approaches to weight loss do not address the fundamental issue of why women are prone to weight gain and have such a hard time getting back into shape. 

I will be sharing a FREE video on this weight loss program which will help you understand exactly why you, as a woman, tend to put on those extra pounds especially in those areas that you do not want to, and then find it so hard to get rid of. It will also reveal to you what has been missed by the conventional weight loss programs so that you can take control of your body and maintain an ideal weight irrespective of your age, your marital status, your work routine, your lifestyle and the works. 

Just so you understand and this is ironic - women have more fat burning capacity compared to men, yet when it comes to losing weight, it becomes that much more of an uphill task!   

Well, it's all about understanding your body. Once YOU know what goes on inside of your BODY, you will be well on your way to get that look on your body that you so much desire! You can lose up to 10 pounds within a period of just 3 months! And the best part about this method is that, once you lose those extra pounds, it remains that way for good. 

So, shed all your doubts and inhibitions about losing those extra pounds and give this method a shot. It's FREE to watch! I would love to share more FREE info with you on this breakthrough method of weight loss. Just fill in your name and email address so that I can get in touch with you and share this simple, yet revolutionary method that not only removes those extra layers of fat but ensures that you can keep it that way for good.  

Wouldn't that be marvellous? To regain the BODY that you were once so proud of? Besides looking and feeling beautiful, shedding those extra pounds will work wonders for your overall health. You know, those niggling health problems that are associated with carrying those extra pounds of fat?

I would love to help you get rid of those extra pounds of undesirable fat by sharing with you the FREE video which reveals how you absolutely can get back into shape within just 3 months!

So fast track your physical makeover by leaving your comments and email address and begin the journey to a more healthier, slimmer and attractive YOU!